
Today celebrating Jacky n WeiSeong's birthday....because all busy n due to time consuming...v go the nearest place- pizza hut at carrefour,wangsa maju  there

Hmm.....Its been a long time v didnt go out like this le...vry vry miss those day...

Eventhough now v all not the same course le...but still hope v can maintain our frenship like wat v done so far~~

If can then go genting or langkawi or redang together la~~haha~~~

So here would like to Wish Them HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BOTH OF U~~~may all ur dreams come true as u wished....FRIENDSHIP 4EVER~~~~

here are some pic v took ~~

me n wei seong.....

wei seong n jacky...

Birthday Cake~```

Try his best to pull the candle out frm the cake~~pity.BUT HAVE TO~~muahaha..

haha...faster capture his look b4 he go washed weiseong...hehe

two Birthday Boy~~~

Me n Lai skin damn dark...

me n Jacky....vry hard to take nice photo wth him..haiy...

Jacky ar..u look vry funny lo...hahaha

me n Wei Seong....wei...ur eyes closing la....haha

Huai Hong n his gf~~

Jacky n His classmate...i forgot her name le...haha..

say "cheese"~~~

haha...this pic vry funny~~~taken by qi ren~~~

Grp photo wth two Birthday Boys~~

haha..this cute gal vry funny~~everytime wana take photo,she sure vry +extremely happy...cant wait to take pic~haha..cute cute

lai fun n qi ren~~~lovely couple~~

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